Check out the brand new Birds In Row song that came out today "We Count So We Don't Have To Listen" on all streaming platforms. Make sure to get your order in if you haven't already, this album ships in less than a month!
Read MoreBest Sellers From May 2018 →
DW Direct Update: Birds In Row, Thou, Firewalker, Split Cranium, & more →
This week's update has new Deathwish releases from Birds In Row and Thou, as well as a new promo tape from Firewalker, the new Split Cranium LP, and lots more.
Read MoreShipping Now: Ceremony "The L-Shaped Man: The Demo Recordings" →
Shipping now from DW Direct is Ceremony "The L-Shaped Man: The Demo Recordings". These are the demos they led up to the bands last full length. Pressed on gold sparkle vinyl!
Read MoreThou "Rhea Sylvia" - New 12"EP Coming July 27th →
We are very excited to announce that Deathwish is releasing a brand new 12"EP from Thou titled "Rhea Sylvia". This is available to order now and more info on this can be seen at the link below:
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