SSD "How Much Art Can You Take?"

BOOK - $25.65
STREET DATE: 6/16/23
LABEL: Radio Raheem

In 2017, I asked Al if I could create an SSD Instagram page because I wanted him to see the impact he and his band had on people from around the world. Since I was not a member of the band, and I wanted to ensure authenticity, I only featured stories and interviews from members of the band and those close to them. Of course, I also highlighted the artistry of Boston photographer PHILIN PHLASH, who was present at so many shows, and who documented the band's trajectory so well. Almost immediately, people began contacting me, telling me how much they loved the stories and photos, and how they'd make a great book. Since Al has always said Phil's work deserved its own platform, I thought a photo essay book would be perfect. Society System Decontrol (SSD) ended as a band in 1985, but the stories, the photographs, and the music live on. As Al has said "We gave it everything we had. We wanted to make an impact. This is how we rock." -- Nancy Barile

"How Much Art Can You Take?" compiles over 170 images, many of which have never been seen before, plus first-hand commentary from the band and their crew, spread across 190 pages in a beautiful 10"x10" hardcover book.

SSDecontrol, SSD, Boston Hardcore, DYS, Jerry's Kids, Punk Photography

Sign Language "Madison & Floral"

LP - $17.25
STREET DATE: 6/16/23
CAT#: SDR-092
LABEL: Sunday Drive

Madison & Floral connect Sign Language to home in Ohio. It represents hope, loss, relationships, love, and uncertainty. Sign Language carefully built their first LP around these themes and emotions. In nine songs, the band drifts between each, approaching them in unique ways.

On songs like 'Abide' the back-and-forth aching and soothing vocals lead the track, revolving around a loving, yet bittersweet memory. On 'Crumbling', slower guitars and harmonies lead the song--then on 'Only You' or 'The Nothing', Sign Language lean on their post-hardcore roots, creating the most driving and heaviest songs the band has yet to make.

Sign Language has mastered their songwriting on "Madison & Floral"--fitting perfectly at home in the unique environment they've created.


  1. Madison Ave.
  2. The Nothing
  3. Abide
  4. The Silence
  5. Burning House
  6. Only You
  7. Crumbling
  8. World Of Light
  9. Unfamiliar

Title Fight, Pity Sex, Superheaven
